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CDT 2022
Update Available
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HIPAA Compliant

Bridge to Xray and Intra-oral Image Management Systems

Document Organizer

Online Help System

Referrer Tracking System

Secure Electronic Claims

E-mail Interface
eRx Interface

Suzy Systems, Inc. is a privately owned company that has been providing the right technology in practice management software for more than 30 years.   Suzy Systems now proudly introduces SuzyDENTAL 4, a new generation of practice management software designed to take advantage of the additional processing power, display resolution, and connectivity improvements made available by newer technologies.  Here are some of the features of the new user interface:

  • Patient toolbar with tooltips, exposing shortcuts to most patient related activities.
  • Multi-screen layout with sizeable, floating windows.
  • Custom views with instant update. All patient related modeless windows update their information instantly, upon selecting any patient.
  • On-screen worklists providing instant access to patient information from targeted lists generated by reports or any other processes of patient data analysis.
  • Patient Memo and Alert Indicators - 4 memo alert fields, 5 user defined note fields, customizable messages and colors.
  • Patient "Recall Due / Not Scheduled" alert indicator.
  • Quick toggle switch between displaying patient and family balances on Patient Information screen.
  • Scheduler - sizeable, dockable window that can be kept on screen and accessible throughout.
  • Scheduler toolbar, exposing shortcuts to most scheduling functions.
  • Scheduler - time allocation within an appointment for doctor, assistant or both for maximum productivity.
  • Scheduler - new display layout for double or multiple booked time slots.
  • Selecting the current patient directly from Scheduler updates all current patient related windows.
  • Recall process - optimized, with worklist generator.
  • Accounting screens - color coded account transactions. Sort and/or filter lists by type of transaction, with relevant running totals.
  • Electronic claim submission with real time claim status verification.
  • Insurance card/patient ID card scanning.
  • Bridges to multiple digital radiography and intra-oral acquisition systems.
  • Real-time patient insurance eligibility verification.optional
  • Integrated restorative and perio graphical charting.optional
  • Automated patient communication for appointment confirmation and reminder messages with SuzyLINKoptional
  • Electronic Prescriptions - Interface module for Rcopia by DrFirstoptional

Overall accessibility to patient information has been greatly improved through shortcut controls.

Upgrading from SuzyDENTAL 3
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